Saturday, July 23, 2011

My Journey with TSA

Today, I'm out spoken critic of TSA and I feel that it is the most un-American, counter productive agency in American today. Truly it is a disgrace and it dishonors everything America holds dear.

But I didn't always feel that way.

Prior to the rise of TSA, airport screening was an annoyance, but a minor one. As a frequent flyer for almost 20 years now, there were many times when my wife and my young children would accompany me to the gate at what was my home airport in Cincinnati. We would all arrive about 45 minutes prior to my flight, my family and me would shuffle through the metal detector, stop by a restaurant and then give my kids and wife a hug and off I would go. Rarely would the pre-TSA screeners give us any hassle.

I do recall one "hassle". A screener became concerned over the strange device and jumble of wires in my bag. The screener had never seen a "bag phone" before. After demonstrating and explaining the wonder of cell phone technology, the screener thanked me for explaining, expressed wonder at the technology and off I went. It was an enjoyable conversation. When was the last time you had an enjoyable conversation with a TSA Blue Shirt? But I digress.

Sometime later, our nation became embroiled in the first gulf war. It was then that ID's were required. How annoying I told myself, but I was certain that this intrusion would end when the war ended and it was a minor intrusion after all. I had no idea that it was only the beginning.

Because of a change in job duties, I took a break from flying about a year prior to 9/11/01. I resumed flying sometime in early 2002 and it was then that I found long lines, angry screeners and a stress filled security experience. "Life has changed,” I told myself, and it's the fault of the terrorist.

I watched as Washington spoke of federalizing airport screening. I had mixed feelings, but my assumption, as with all government agencies, was that the experience was going to get worse.

Shortly after TSA was formed, I took my first flight and was screened by TSA agents. I was SHOCKED at how friendly, efficient and professional they were. "I was wrong,” I remember thinking. "This is one time when government intervention improved matters, and this is hardly like the DMV experience I was expecting". Bravo. I found myself a FAN of TSA even if the lines and waits were a bit longer than I expected.

My how things have changed.

Since that pleasant experience in 2002, every year TSA has gotten worse. Every time I think they won't get any worse, I myself corrected.

I remember reading about the new "body scanners" and how TSA agents would view adults, children and the elderly naked from a secret room. But TSA promised it would never be used as a primary screening method.

TSA lied.

Naked X-Ray chambers soon became primary in many airports, an in some airports such as RDU, are used exclusively. TSA promised of course they would be safe.

TSA lied.

Today cancer clusters are popping up in airports that use the backscatter X-ray device, and scientist have uncovered evidence that the MMW devices cause DNA damage.

Then TSA introduced the "enhanced patdown". TSA assured us that this patdown would be done with respect.

TSA lied.

There is no "patdown" involved. It's a RUBDOWN. A sexual rubdown. TSA agents are now rubbing the breasts and genital of adults, children and the elderly. Hardly a day goes by without another terrible stories of TSA agents abusing passengers and children.

Genitals rubdowns are now a core TSA value and have been for 9 months now.

My journey with TSA has been a long one. When we started TSA was a professional organization committed to passenger safety.

Today, TSA is a criminal organization staffed by thieves, sexual perverts, rejects from other security organizations and they truly hate the passengers they pretend to protect.

TSA agents have become the terrorist.

When we started, TSA agents were people trying to do a good job for our nation. Today they are Blue Shirts who either enjoy abusing passengers, or have such poor skills and education that they choose to suppress their humanity and morality, just so that they can cash that paycheck.

Any TSA agent with a sense or morality, or who retains their humanity has left the organization. All that we have left now are Blue Shirts. Blue Shirts devoid of humanity.

Today I am committed to seeing the end of TSA, and returning sanity to our airports and nation. This does not mean that I believe we need no security.

It just means that we need security with respect and the freedom that all Americans are entitled to.

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